The Immigration & Deportation Defense Clinic officially launched in Spring 2024! This semester, ten dedicated students served as student attorneys in the Clinic, representing five clients on various immigration matters. These services span various immigration matters, addressing cases before immigration court, as well as juvenile, criminal, and probate courts throughout Orange County.

Additionally, the clinic, under the guidance of adjunct professor Demis Camacho, launched a post-conviction relief project. Students represented clients in criminal court to secure post-conviction relief and prevent deportation in immigration court.

Western State College of Law's Spring 2024 Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic Students

Student efforts extended to advocacy projects, assisting self-represented litigants at the Santa Ana Immigration Help Desk, establishing legal empowerment initiatives (such as a community legal hotline and providing consultations to 10 community members), and hosting a pro se clinic for asylum seekers on the WSCL campus.

We want to acknowledge the students who demonstrated dedication to their client’s cases and advocacy projects throughout their clinic experience:

Monica Chou-Calvillo (’24), Charon Hernandes (’24), Russell Theodore (’24), Jaqueline Vazquez (’24), Mireya Valle (’24), Elizabeth Tran (’24), Nicolas Sanchez (’24), Kholood Alshami (’25), Frida Franco (’24), and Hesley Gonzalez (’24).

We also want to thank everyone who supported the Clinic’s launch this semester, especially WSCL students, faculty, and staff. We especially recognize our partner organizations and community supporters during the semester, including Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project, Public Law Center, ORALE, Irvine Council Member Larry Agran’s office, LGBTQ Center OC, OC Justice Fund, Harbor Institute, and VietRISE.

In the fall semester, the Clinic will enroll 14 students (11 new students and three students returning as advanced students). Faculty supervisors in the fall will be Director, Prof. Sabrina, Adjunct Professors Demis Camacho and Jonathan Breman. Prof. Breman will work with students to establish an Appellate Project for students interested in directly representing clients on immigration matters on appeal before administrative agencies or federal courts. Students will also get to represent clients on a range of new immigration matters and projects, including collaborations with student organizations and community-based organizations on legal empowerment initiatives for the thousands of Orange County residents defending against deportation without legal representation.