Western State College of Law is now home to the Delta Tau Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society. Many thanks to 3L Emily Gardner, whose hard work and generous spirit were instrumental in bringing this respected national organization to our law school.
On Friday, January 26, Dean Allen Easley and Professor Elizabeth Jones conducted the initiation ceremony for the newest members of Western State’s Delta Tau Delta Chapter. Qualifications for student membership include maintaining a minimum 2.5 g.p.a. and upholding the principles of academic excellence, leadership, unity, and service to the criminal justice community. Please join us in recognizing these inspirational students: Emily Gardner (President), Courtney Martin (Vice President), Jackie Uberin (Secretary), Demis Camacho (Treasurer), Alexcis Albert, Cesar Andaya, Alyssa Gossett, Heidi Kim, Daniel McDonald, Cassandra Mellas, Sam Saadat, Valeria Sosa-Sandoval, Amanda Tarby, and Sloane Tay.
Interested in becoming a member? Email cla@stu.wsulaw.edu or cjhs@stu.wsulaw.edu.