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Michael Jeandron named to 2018 top 40 under 40!
Michael Jeandron (Western State Class of 2013) was just named to The National Trial Lawyers Top 40 under 40.

Western State Professors and Alumni Present on Practical and Ethical Issues of Both the Unanticipated and Planned Closures of a Law Practice
On January 23, Professor Kevin Mohr and Adjunct Professor Neil Pedersen (Class of 1988 | Hall of Fame | Dean's Counselor) joined with Western State alumna and former adjunct professor, Marla Merhab Robinson (Class of 1987 | Dean's Counselor), to present a legal...

Governor Brown appoints Robert S. Wada to Los Angeles County Superior Court
The Western State community congratulates Robert S. Wada (Class of 1980), on his appointment to a judgeship in the Los Angeles County Superior Court by Governor Brown. Click here to read more.

Jennifer Koh Moderates Panel at Association of American Law Schools Annual Conference
On January 6, Professor Jennifer Koh served as a moderator and speaker for a panel taking place at the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Conference in San Diego, California. The panel, entitled “Immigration Adjudication in an Era of Mass Deportation,”...

Andrew Struve co-authors article
Andrew Struve (Western State Class of 1998, Hall of Fame, Dean’s Counselor), with litigation partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, Adrianne Marshack, Esq., recently co-authored, “Far From ‘Concrete’ - How the Ninth Circuit May Be Making it Easier for Consumer...

Yolanda Torres Appointed to OCBA Board of Directors, Elected OCHBA President
Adjunct Professor Yolanda Victoria Torres, who teaches Family Law, has been appointed by the Orange County Bar Association (OCBA) to serve a 3-year term on its Board of Directors commencing January 2018. She also was elected to serve as the President-Elect for the...

Jennifer Koh Speaks on Impact of Immigration Enforcement in Higher Education
On December 2, Professor Jennifer Koh spoke on a panel entitled, “The Impact of Immigration Enforcement on Higher Education” during a plenary session of the Higher Education Labor-Management Conference. The conference took place at California State University Long...

Western State Alumni Honored at OCTLA Top Gun Awards Program
The Western State community would like to congratulate Orange County Trial Lawyers Association Top Gun Award winners, Richard E. Donahoo (Class of 1996) and Brian J. McCormack (Class of 1993 | Hall of Fame).

Neil Pedersen Speaks at “Jump-Start Your Law Practice” Conference
Adjunct Professor Neil Pedersen (Western State Class of 1988 | Hall of Fame | Dean's Counselor) spoke at the “Jump-Start Your Law Practice” conference, a three-day law practice management forum in Indianapolis, Indiana, attended by solo and small firm practitioners...

Sabrina Rivera Serves as Panelist at Celebration Hosted at Mexican Consulate
Immigration Clinic Staff Attorney Sabrina Rivera was a panelist at the Latin American Cinemateca of Los Angeles (LACLA)’s 30th anniversary celebration of Cheech Marin’s directorial debut of Born in East LA, hosted at the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles, on November...
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