ABA Standard 509 Required Disclosures

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ABA Required Disclosures

Standard 509 of the American Bar Association Standards and Rules of Procedure for the Approval of Law Schools requires Western State College of Law to disclose a variety of consumer information on its website. This page provides access to that information.

Western State College of Law at Westcliff University is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.


The official ABA Standard 509 reports contain basic information about the Law School regarding admissions, curriculum, enrollment, financial aid, tuition and other required areas in an ABA-approved format. See the most recent ABA Standard 509 Information Report PDF.



Bar Passage 2025

Bar Passage 2024

Bar Passage 2023

Bar Passage 2022

Bar Passage 2021

Bar Passage 2020

Bar Passage 2019


Our transfer of credit policy and information about articulation agreements are available here .

Transfer credit is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Western State College of Law offers no guarantee that credit earned at another institution will be accepted into a program of study offered by Western State College of Law.


In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners.

Western State College of Law does not guarantee third-party certification/licensure. Outside agencies control the requirements for taking and passing certification/licensing exams and are subject to change without notice to Western State College of Law.


Detailed employment statistics about our recent graduates, including the official ABA employment summaries, are available below.

Information on employment outcomes for the Class of 2020 may not reflect a particular law school’s typical results in this area. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, bar admission exams were canceled or delayed in many jurisdictions, thus making it more challenging for graduates to secure employment by the annual Graduate Employment Status Date of March 15. Please reference the 3 years of employment outcome data posted on the ABA Required Disclosures webpage of each ABA-Approved Law School or at www.abarequireddisclosures.org.

ABA Employment Summary

*Per Interpretation 509-2 of Standard 509, law schools may choose to publicize additional employment outcome data beyond what the Employment Protocols require. This additional data, per Standard 509, must be “complete, accurate, and not misleading to a reasonable law school student or applicant.” Law schools are expected to use “due diligence in obtaining and verifying such information.” The following additional employment outcome data has not been, and will not be, audited by the ABA. It is meant to supplement the annual ABA Employment Summary Report, which reflects the employment status of members of each graduating class as of the annual Graduate Employment Status Date of March 15. Please reference the 3 years of employment outcome data posted on the ABA Required Disclosures webpage of each ABA-Approved Law School or at www.abarequireddisclosures.org.

NALP Employment Summary

Virtual Viewbook

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Programs, credential levels, technology and scheduling options are subject to change. Western State College of Law at Westcliff University, 16715 Von Karman Ave., #100, Irvine, CA 92606 © 2020 Western State College of Law. All rights reserved. Our email address is materialsreview@wsulaw.edu.

See wsuprograms.info for program duration, tuition, fees and other costs, median debt, salary data, alumni success, and other important info.